One Human Nation Show 23, Sept 28

Show 23, aired September 28, Ten Lessons for Talking about Race, Racism & Racial Justice, listen to show: 

Listen to 10 tips for talking about Race, Racism & Racial Justice from lessons learned from Opportunity Agenda. It’s important to find common ground on how we can have these difficult conversations so we can move towards becoming One Human Nation. Here are the ten lessons as stated by The Opportunity Agenda initiative:

1. Consider Audience and Goals

2. Know the counter narratives

3. Lead with shared values: Opportunity, Community, Equity

4. Use values as a bridge, not a bypass.

5. Be rigorously solution-oriented and forward-looking.

6. Talk about the systemic obstacles to equal opportunity and equal justice. 

7. Be explicit about the different causes of racial vs. socioeconomic disparities.

8. Describe how racial bias and discrimination hold us all back.

9. Acknowledge the progress we’ve made.

10. Embrace and communicate our racial and ethnic diversity.

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