Join Art on the Air this Wednesday, July 25th from 3-4pm as we talk with this talented young artist about his philosophy, practice, and his mini-book “Instant #Success @instagram 4Instagrumps!” Only on WRUU-LP Savannah Soundings 107.5fm and streaming online at! 07/25/2018

art on the air jul25

There are many ways to find success as an artist, and this week’s guest Ugis Berzins is a great example of the benefits of using social media to show off your work. The pieces that he posts on Instagram under his handle @futurelandfillpress (which is a GREAT follow, btw) routinely get hundreds of likes.

Join Art on the Air this Wednesday, July 25th from 3-4pm as we talk with this talented young artist about his philosophy, practice, and his mini-book “Instant #Success @instagram 4Instagrumps!” Only on WRUU-LP Savannah Soundings 107.5fm and streaming online at!

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